Thursday, November 10, 2022

Overview of Blogging

Hands working at a
computer. To the right
is a full coffee cup. 
An educational blog allows students and or teachers to write about different experiences and beliefs they have that pertain to the classroom. Using blogging in the classroom can be a beneficial tool for students and teachers to be each other's audiences. It can also be helpful for developing more communication skills because it pushes students to stay engaged and learn about each other. Blogs are great to get students to feel accomplished and proud of their work. Being able to blog and read a peers blog can give student's some ideas of what to write about.

I was able to read three blog posts from my peers and learn some new perspectives and how it all connects to educational topics. The first blog post I read covers the whole child approach. I read all about how this approach is based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and how a teacher can support and encourage a supportive environment in the classroom for students. I think this is such a significant topic to talk about because of how impactful Maslow's hierarchy of needs is in the psychology of human motivation. I really liked how my peer talked about implementing this approach more into schools in order to see numbers of at risk students graduating increase. My peer gave me some encouragement to use this approach in my future classroom in order to help support my students to the best of my abilities. 

Another blog I read from one of my peers talked about teacher salaries. This topic is very impactful because it affects all of our futures as teachers. One thing my peer mentioned that stuck out to me the most is the work teachers do is typically overlooked by people. I think this is a big part of why teachers are not as respected and paid enough as they should be. I also like the point made that paying teachers more can help further their education which then would help positively impact students' lives. After reading this blog, one thing I thought was important to mention was how much money teachers use from their own salary on their students and classroom. There is only so much money the school gives for teachers to have a classroom that is inviting for students and has all the materials they need to last the whole year. 

The last blog I read talks about the benefits of classroom libraries. This peer talked about a topic that I most likely will encounter in a different way since I will be teaching a math class. What I liked from her blog is how she mentioned that a well-composed classroom library will help students increase their vocabulary skills which can lead to them reading at a higher comprehension level. This made me think back to classroom libraries I have had in the past and how each experience has been positive. I remember loving to look through the book options and choose the one I wanted to read. My mother and sister are 4th and 2nd grade teachers. Collectively they have thousands of books in our basement at home that they choose from each year to rotate in and out of their classroom. Having an organized classroom library and having a range of book levels for students is something I have recognized is very important. 

Getting to have experience with blogging myself, I do think it would be a great tool to implement in my future classroom. For me, blogging is something I enjoy just like I enjoy journaling. I enjoy how informal it is and I can write without having to worry that everything I am saying is perfect. I see a great benefit with blogging in my future math class. I feel that once a week I could have my students either blog about what they have learned, how they feel about the content they are learning, or write about some fun different prompts. I would also love to utilize blogging on my teacher website so students and parents can look and see what we have done during the week and how each class went. I will be teaching middle schoolers which can make it difficult for students to feel engaged in activities, so I want to make sure that blogging is something they look forward to and it can feel like a brain break for them. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

Classroom Management

An empty classroom that
is organized and is a bright
 and colorful environment
for students.
Classroom management is a skill that all teachers need to learn and implement within the classroom in order to have a successful environment. There are several techniques a teacher needs to focus on in order to have quality classroom management. Teachers use classroom management to keep students organized, attentive and productive. Several aspects that are important when addressing classroom management include: building relationships, setting rules, classroom design, effective communication, and inclusion of parents. Classroom management is one of the most important aspects of creating a prosperous classroom.

Creating healthy relationships with students is one of the most important things a teacher can do - especially when looking through the lens of classroom management. It is so important to build positive relationships through communication, class discussions, and connections with students about their personal lives. Strong teacher-student relationships, that are built on mutual respect, are one of the most significant factors when it comes to classroom management. These relationships are the main part of the classroom, and they create a foundation for the whole year. For children, positive relationships in the classroom will carry over to other parts of their lives.

Communication within the classroom is also very important. In order for students to succeed, teachers must recognize how communication can convey ideas, foster self-expression, and build relationships in the classroom. Effective communication within the classroom ultimately helps the students become successful because the teacher is gaining an understanding of how students learn. Teachers are there for the students, not for themselves. Putting students first is a priority, and this can be done by placing emphasis on what the students need in order to be successful.
The word "management"
written in blue with a hand
drawing a line under the word.

I am in school to be a middle grades math teacher. I feel confident in my passion to educate students at this level, and I am enthusiastic about what is to come. I will use data I collect from my students to evaluate the effectiveness of my own actions and directions. Doing this, I can create a continual improvement plan as a teacher. I currently work as a tutor at a middle school, and I have been able to see first hand several classroom management skills. I have noticed what works and what does not work for students. Also, my mother and sister are teachers in elementary schools so I have been able to learn from them successful strategies for classroom management. I see how valuable and important classroom management is for success for the students and the teacher. Classroom management is something every teacher needs to incorporate into their classroom in order to have responsive and prosperous students.

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Effects of Virtual Schooling

A tablet/computer in the
middle surrounded by materials
used for online learning (notebook,
headphones, sticky notes, markers)
As the Covid-19 Pandemic hit the world in the year 2020, virtual schooling or better known as E-learning became the new normal. As this virus was spreading all around, teachers and students were trying to adjust to school entirely online from their homes. Virtual schooling consists of teachers preparing lessons for students to then complete and turn in on computers from their homes. Some teachers conducted synchronous classes where there was a meeting time of the normal classes, but on zoom. Other teachers conducted asynchronous classes where the students did work on their own at their own pace and turned it in by a due date. 

There are several advantages and disadvantages to virtual school during Covid-19 and currently. Virtual learning is flexible which means it allows students and teachers to feel less restricted and stuck to one schedule. This can help reduce stress for some people. Not everyone does like the flexibility of it. Because everyone is unique and different, some may like less flexible routines. Virtual school can also be less expensive for older students, for example those in college. If those in college have the opportunity and decide to participate in virtual learning, they do not have to pay for room and board. Virtual school allow everyone to work at their own pace which is something I am very passionate about. Virtual schooling requires a lot of self discipline and encouragement to make sure you get your own work done. There is no teacher in front of you making sure you have done your work. This is something many people struggle with during virtual learning. One main disadvantage and challenge the world faced with virtual learning was mental health worsening. With virtual school, there is less social interaction which then pushes isolation on people, especially during the main parts of the Covid-19 pandemic. The effects of people not being able to interact with others as much while working online are signifiant. 

A picture of 9 people on a virtual
platform with a school classroom
as the background
Everyone is different and has their own preferences which is why there is not a perfect solution to whether virtual schooling is beneficial or not. My own experiences with virtual school started my senior year of high school. This is when Covid-19 began and virtual learning was something everyone was experiencing for the first time. I have had mostly positive experience's from virtual schooling. I liked the flexibility of it because it allowed me to work when I wanted and take time for myself. Half of my senior year of high school and all of my freshman year in college was online. I did not like the isolation part of it though. I felt disconnected from my friends and from campus my freshman year. Overall, I believe virtual schooling can be beneficial for people, but can also cause many problems. I prefer in person schooling because it allows me to feel more connected to people and my work. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Why Class Size Matters

Teacher and students in a small classroom
environment with smiles on their face
Class size can impact a classroom community based on how it is approached. Class size is the number of students in one classroom that a teacher is responsible for during a period of time. Recently with the teacher shortage, class sizes have been increasing dramatically putting more stress on the teachers and less individualized attention for the students. Class size is becoming a bigger issue as teachers begin to become burnt out and leave the teaching profession. A smaller class size does not only benefit the teacher, but it also significantly benefits the students. It is evident that smaller class sizes leads to an increase in students' success due to less distractions and more attention from the teacher. Students in smaller classes perform better in all their classes compared to other students who are in larger classes. Smaller classes are typically ahead on content learning with higher scores on standardized exams. There is a significant impact on students and teachers with smaller classes because it allows teachers to expand more on topics they would not be able to with a bigger class that would need more attention. Bigger classes are a struggle to manage because of how many students there are leading to a more disruptive environment. In larger classroom environments, there is typically less student engagement and participation. Overall, class size is significant in order for teachers and students to have a successful and engaging learning environment.  

Empty classroom with
around 16 desks.
In an ideal world, I believe the perfect class size would be 18 students to 1 teacher. This gives teachers more opportunities to provide individualized instruction to students. The teacher would be able to create stronger teacher-student relationships which could then help the students feel more comfortable within the classroom environment. With strong teacher-student relationships, students will want to participate in class and will want to respect the teacher. In a class with 30 students, it is more difficult for the teacher to have a relationship with every student. Smaller classrooms create better communication between the teacher, students and their peers. Because of the teacher shortage, it is nearly impossible for there to be 18 students to 1 teacher in every classroom. I do believe though that there should not be more than 25 students to 1 teacher in a single classroom in order for students to effectively learn. 

I have been able to experience the affects of class size first hand. I work at a Knox County Middle School as a Math Tutor. I work with students in all grades (6th, 7th and 8th grade). As apart of my job, I am in the classroom during the school day when instruction occurs. This means I am able to see what goes on in the classroom and observe how class size affects students. What I have noticed is some of the class sizes are incredibly too big for students to be able to learn well and for teachers to be able to teach effectively. There are several reasons to why class sizes are increasing at this school. Many teachers have recently quit which leaves the remaining teachers having to adjust their schedules and take in more students. This school is currently down to one teacher in 7th grade math which leaves class sizes at around 30 students. This is even more difficult to have a majority of students be behaviorally challenged. The teacher shortage is real and it is affecting so many schools around the United States. I am very passionate about this topic because I am becoming a teacher and I see the challenges there are in growing class sizes. I want all students to be able to have the desire to learn and want to expand their knowledge. Students are typically less engaged and do not care for school as much in larger classes because of all the distractions. Class size is something that continually needs to be addressed in schools and focused on in order for students to reach their goals and for teachers to teach productively.