Friday, September 23, 2022

The Effects of Virtual Schooling

A tablet/computer in the
middle surrounded by materials
used for online learning (notebook,
headphones, sticky notes, markers)
As the Covid-19 Pandemic hit the world in the year 2020, virtual schooling or better known as E-learning became the new normal. As this virus was spreading all around, teachers and students were trying to adjust to school entirely online from their homes. Virtual schooling consists of teachers preparing lessons for students to then complete and turn in on computers from their homes. Some teachers conducted synchronous classes where there was a meeting time of the normal classes, but on zoom. Other teachers conducted asynchronous classes where the students did work on their own at their own pace and turned it in by a due date. 

There are several advantages and disadvantages to virtual school during Covid-19 and currently. Virtual learning is flexible which means it allows students and teachers to feel less restricted and stuck to one schedule. This can help reduce stress for some people. Not everyone does like the flexibility of it. Because everyone is unique and different, some may like less flexible routines. Virtual school can also be less expensive for older students, for example those in college. If those in college have the opportunity and decide to participate in virtual learning, they do not have to pay for room and board. Virtual school allow everyone to work at their own pace which is something I am very passionate about. Virtual schooling requires a lot of self discipline and encouragement to make sure you get your own work done. There is no teacher in front of you making sure you have done your work. This is something many people struggle with during virtual learning. One main disadvantage and challenge the world faced with virtual learning was mental health worsening. With virtual school, there is less social interaction which then pushes isolation on people, especially during the main parts of the Covid-19 pandemic. The effects of people not being able to interact with others as much while working online are signifiant. 

A picture of 9 people on a virtual
platform with a school classroom
as the background
Everyone is different and has their own preferences which is why there is not a perfect solution to whether virtual schooling is beneficial or not. My own experiences with virtual school started my senior year of high school. This is when Covid-19 began and virtual learning was something everyone was experiencing for the first time. I have had mostly positive experience's from virtual schooling. I liked the flexibility of it because it allowed me to work when I wanted and take time for myself. Half of my senior year of high school and all of my freshman year in college was online. I did not like the isolation part of it though. I felt disconnected from my friends and from campus my freshman year. Overall, I believe virtual schooling can be beneficial for people, but can also cause many problems. I prefer in person schooling because it allows me to feel more connected to people and my work. 

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