Friday, September 30, 2022

Classroom Management

An empty classroom that
is organized and is a bright
 and colorful environment
for students.
Classroom management is a skill that all teachers need to learn and implement within the classroom in order to have a successful environment. There are several techniques a teacher needs to focus on in order to have quality classroom management. Teachers use classroom management to keep students organized, attentive and productive. Several aspects that are important when addressing classroom management include: building relationships, setting rules, classroom design, effective communication, and inclusion of parents. Classroom management is one of the most important aspects of creating a prosperous classroom.

Creating healthy relationships with students is one of the most important things a teacher can do - especially when looking through the lens of classroom management. It is so important to build positive relationships through communication, class discussions, and connections with students about their personal lives. Strong teacher-student relationships, that are built on mutual respect, are one of the most significant factors when it comes to classroom management. These relationships are the main part of the classroom, and they create a foundation for the whole year. For children, positive relationships in the classroom will carry over to other parts of their lives.

Communication within the classroom is also very important. In order for students to succeed, teachers must recognize how communication can convey ideas, foster self-expression, and build relationships in the classroom. Effective communication within the classroom ultimately helps the students become successful because the teacher is gaining an understanding of how students learn. Teachers are there for the students, not for themselves. Putting students first is a priority, and this can be done by placing emphasis on what the students need in order to be successful.
The word "management"
written in blue with a hand
drawing a line under the word.

I am in school to be a middle grades math teacher. I feel confident in my passion to educate students at this level, and I am enthusiastic about what is to come. I will use data I collect from my students to evaluate the effectiveness of my own actions and directions. Doing this, I can create a continual improvement plan as a teacher. I currently work as a tutor at a middle school, and I have been able to see first hand several classroom management skills. I have noticed what works and what does not work for students. Also, my mother and sister are teachers in elementary schools so I have been able to learn from them successful strategies for classroom management. I see how valuable and important classroom management is for success for the students and the teacher. Classroom management is something every teacher needs to incorporate into their classroom in order to have responsive and prosperous students.

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